Reflections of Truth pt 34

I asked Raven, one time long ago, if he ever got to decide where the soul goes next and of course, the answer was no. I asked him did he ever wish, he could change where a soul went. And again, no. Raven doesn’t care about the matters of the human world, he just does his job. From where one begins and ends is solely on the living. I asked Raven if he ever got any sick satisfaction about where one goes next and of course, Raven being who he is, yes. Raven warns not to get stuck on these abstract thoughts and notions about this life and that life. Things, they work out, never the way our silly human minds want them to or think they should, but they do. Raven does however think that I am one of the dumbest humans he’s ever encountered. He wonders why I care, why I spend so much time coming back to the same place and that maybe I should just let it go. I’d be a lot happier. I ask Raven how she feels about that and does she feel like I should just let it go? He doesn’t have an answer, he just stays quiet. Raven and I, we both have our ideas, he very rarely speaks freely of his, thinks I should speak less freely with mine and that I shouldn’t get worked up about these things. They are trivial and I’m just making this life harder. I am damning myself in my next life and that there truly will be hell to pay and am I okay with that? Can I make my peace with that? Do I really know what I’m asking for with all these questions, unanswered questions, how deep I’ll have to go to get my answers and do I really, really want to do that? I can’t imagine it though, the next life, I can’t imagine being in a position that would allow me to hurt people just because I can and for abstract reasons. That I’ll be able to put my morality and my humanity aside to say and do things that will have true and real consequences in the lives of others. All these questions they set me up just for that. Raven’s not too sure, he asks how can I take one little thing and turn it into a giant, enormous thing. Just stop already, just let it go. But I don’t know if I have it in me, to let it go. Every day is just another reminder of some other stupidity that I have to find answers for or figure out, or try to solve through dream walking, ancestral knowledge, critical thinking, like that’s a thing. I don’t know.

Reflections of Truth pt 34

I asked Raven, one time long ago, if he ever got to decide where the soul goes next and of course, the answer was no. I asked him did he ever wish, he could change where a soul went. And again, no. Raven doesn’t care about the matters of the human world, he just does his job. From where one begins and ends is solely on the living. I asked Raven if he ever got any sick satisfaction about where one goes next and of course, Raven being who he is, yes. Raven warns not to get stuck on these abstract thoughts and notions about this life and that life. Things, they work out, never the way our silly human minds want them to or think they should, but they do. Raven does however think that I am one of the dumbest humans he’s ever encountered. He wonders why I care, why I spend so much time coming back to the same place and that maybe I should just let it go. I’d be a lot happier. I ask Raven how she feels about that and does she feel like I should just let it go? He doesn’t have an answer, he just stays quiet. Raven and I, we both have our ideas, he very rarely speaks freely of his, thinks I should speak less freely with mine and that I shouldn’t get worked up about these things. They are trivial and I’m just making this life harder. I am damning myself in my next life and that there truly will be hell to pay and am I okay with that? Can I make my peace with that? Do I really know what I’m asking for with all these questions, unanswered questions, how deep I’ll have to go to get my answers and do I really, really want to do that? I can’t imagine it though, the next life, I can’t imagine being in a position that would allow me to hurt people just because I can and for abstract reasons. That I’ll be able to put my morality and my humanity aside to say and do things that will have true and real consequences in the lives of others. All these questions they set me up just for that. Raven’s not too sure, he asks how can I take one little thing and turn it into a giant, enormous thing. Just stop already, just let it go. But I don’t know if I have it in me, to let it go. Every day is just another reminder of some other stupidity that I have to find answers for or figure out, or try to solve through dream walking, ancestral knowledge, critical thinking, like that’s a thing. I don’t know.

Reflections of Truth pt 33

One cannot blindly accept one truth without acknowledging another. One cannot step into their place within the text without first reading the pages that have come prior to their place. To do these things is to lack the foresight needed to fit wholly within the architecture of humanity and the story of everything. One cannot demand respect of place without first knowing their place.

Reflections of Truth pt 33

One cannot blindly accept one truth without acknowledging another. One cannot step into their place within the text without first reading the pages that have come prior to their place. To do these things is to lack the foresight needed to fit wholly within the architecture of humanity and the story of everything. One cannot demand respect of place without first knowing their place.

Reflections of Truth pt 32

When Raven flies over his shadow is so much bigger now. His wings are tired and his words ominous. Just because they haven’t come fore you yet, doesn’t mean they won’t. No one will be spared.

Reflections of Truth pt 32

When Raven flies over his shadow is so much bigger now. His wings are tired and his words ominous. Just because they haven’t come fore you yet, doesn’t mean they won’t. No one will be spared.

Reflections of Truth pt 31

When I close my eyes I see land, scorn. Bits blow about, picked up from one destitute and tossed to another. Days ago I heard a crow by chance. Truly by chance and noted in the mind. A cawing sound I have not heard for years. The caw of the crow came to me from miles away. Miles and space that I have put between this life and the last. Reminding me how my ghost still remains in place there while I reside here.

Reflections of Truth pt 31

When I close my eyes I see land, scorn. Bits blow about, picked up from one destitute and tossed to another. Days ago I heard a crow by chance. Truly by chance and noted in the mind. A cawing sound I have not heard for years. The caw of the crow came to me from miles away. Miles and space that I have put between this life and the last. Reminding me how my ghost still remains in place there while I reside here.

Reflections of Truth pt 30

Thirty days of truths brings about the reminder that we as humans are not above the laws of nature. The human condition allows for variances, but still bound by the law one remains. No one is above the law, no one is below, all are within.

Reflections of Truth pt 30

Thirty days of truths brings about the reminder that we as humans are not above the laws of nature. The human condition allows for variances, but still bound by the law one remains. No one is above the law, no one is below, all are within.

Reflections of Truth pt 29

Thoughts becoming disjointed, running simultaneously, one on top of the other. Layer upon layer, some thin others think and heavy. Crashing, internalizing, falling inward. Loosing footing. Some days I truly dislike humans. When they step to my space and attempt to manipulate my generosity, my compassion. It turns me cold on the outside and battered on the inside. My line in the sand is a wound that I will keep throwing salt in so that I may never be cut again. I do not like to be patronized; it’s a special kind of bull shit I can see right through. It angers me, almost as much as the words I am forgetting how to spell. It ruins my day, my week, my livelihood. It’s a part of life I can find no truth in. It make me think about the boat on the black glass sea, I have yet to tell you about. The way the waves lap against the boat, about how they are the best and the worst part. About the fear and torment when looking overboard. About hating the parts I can’t understand. About clenching my teeth, about loosing the feeling of the lioness inside of me. About falling apart because my layers can no longer be held together by scotch tape.

Reflections of Truth pt 29

Thoughts becoming disjointed, running simultaneously, one on top of the other. Layer upon layer, some thin others think and heavy. Crashing, internalizing, falling inward. Loosing footing. Some days I truly dislike humans. When they step to my space and attempt to manipulate my generosity, my compassion. It turns me cold on the outside and battered on the inside. My line in the sand is a wound that I will keep throwing salt in so that I may never be cut again. I do not like to be patronized; it’s a special kind of bull shit I can see right through. It angers me, almost as much as the words I am forgetting how to spell. It ruins my day, my week, my livelihood. It’s a part of life I can find no truth in. It make me think about the boat on the black glass sea, I have yet to tell you about. The way the waves lap against the boat, about how they are the best and the worst part. About the fear and torment when looking overboard. About hating the parts I can’t understand. About clenching my teeth, about loosing the feeling of the lioness inside of me. About falling apart because my layers can no longer be held together by scotch tape.

Reflections of Truth pt 28

The day I looked up into the sky and saw nothing but blue, was also the day I sat wondering what was there that I could not see. I am now stuck with one foot in the dark, trying desperately to only observe. The other foot stays at home, walks on the dirt, connected.

Constant reminders. The viscous system uses toxicity as a stranglehold upon society built into the culture and woven within the fabric of who we are. Daring to go against the grain at the least is reprimanded, at the most is civil disobedience and will find you shackled.

Hackles rise, fanged cuspids start to push forward, protruding as the mouth starts to water, lusting for the taste of blood. I feel the animal inside of me filling out my flesh, muscles becoming sinuous, deep breaths drawing in air, oxygenated blood ready to protect.

Reflections of Truth pt 28

The day I looked up into the sky and saw nothing but blue, was also the day I sat wondering what was there that I could not see. I am now stuck with one foot in the dark, trying desperately to only observe. The other foot stays at home, walks on the dirt, connected.

Constant reminders. The viscous system uses toxicity as a stranglehold upon society built into the culture and woven within the fabric of who we are. Daring to go against the grain at the least is reprimanded, at the most is civil disobedience and will find you shackled.

Hackles rise, fanged cuspids start to push forward, protruding as the mouth starts to water, lusting for the taste of blood. I feel the animal inside of me filling out my flesh, muscles becoming sinuous, deep breaths drawing in air, oxygenated blood ready to protect.

Reflections of Truth pt 27

The reflections of Truth are as much about reflection as they are of giving. The giving of Truth. The letting go of Truth. The admission of Truths that one wishes were falsehoods.

Reflections of Truth pt 27

The reflections of Truth are as much about reflection as they are of giving. The giving of Truth. The letting go of Truth. The admission of Truths that one wishes were falsehoods.

Reflections of Truth pt 26

I like to watch Raven fly. Just quietly sit and watch, staring off into the sky, pulling nothings out of a speck that floats by or the space between ironic thoughts. All of everything is something that leads somewhere. Wondering about not only space, but place and time as much as the rhyme you wished I would there. And so I did, just for you, but just this once. Rhymes and quintessential quips are a thing of the past. Nothing that good will ever last. (See what I did there, again, just for you.) This is the calm before the storm. This is the ironic space between thoughts. The damning and the calling for embrace. The vendetta built of stones collected as they were cast my direction. Metaphorical and literal stones. The lump on the head of the little girl as she boarded the school bus. The boy that never apologized, but still went to that special school with that special allegiance to a certain ideology. The irony is not lost on the adult woman who was once a girl stoned while waiting for the school bus on a dark winter morning. It’s okay though, really. Just as Raven drifts by, so do past lives.

Reflections of Truth pt 26

I like to watch Raven fly. Just quietly sit and watch, staring off into the sky, pulling nothings out of a speck that floats by or the space between ironic thoughts. All of everything is something that leads somewhere. Wondering about not only space, but place and time as much as the rhyme you wished I would there. And so I did, just for you, but just this once. Rhymes and quintessential quips are a thing of the past. Nothing that good will ever last. (See what I did there, again, just for you.) This is the calm before the storm. This is the ironic space between thoughts. The damning and the calling for embrace. The vendetta built of stones collected as they were cast my direction. Metaphorical and literal stones. The lump on the head of the little girl as she boarded the school bus. The boy that never apologized, but still went to that special school with that special allegiance to a certain ideology. The irony is not lost on the adult woman who was once a girl stoned while waiting for the school bus on a dark winter morning. It’s okay though, really. Just as Raven drifts by, so do past lives.

Reflections of Truth pt 25

It is true that we must all find balance between the light and the dark inside ourselves. The ideology of the yin and yang, positive and negative, light and dark are thousands of years old. The duality of man is part of the basic human condition. We are ever making choices that reflect how we see ourselves within the world, within the balance, and within our place in nature. I’m afraid for those who blindly buy into the indoctrinated way of life. They don’t question. They don’t reflect. They don’t fight back. They seemingly don’t wonder about what it is to be human, they just accept what has been fed to them. There is no other path than the one that has been carved for them. A prime example being those who were “marching for life” forced a choice between millions of children and DACA recipients. And here I thought, ‘all life was sacred.’ I didn’t know the “right to life” assessed a value for each individual life. I didn’t know we each had to step up to the scale of life and weigh ourselves against our brothers and sisters. That we must sort out and choose which life has more of a perceived value. There is no other way than a free and equal existence. There is no other way forward than together. I want them to see, there is another way.

Reflections of Truth pt 25

It is true that we must all find balance between the light and the dark inside ourselves. The ideology of the yin and yang, positive and negative, light and dark are thousands of years old. The duality of man is part of the basic human condition. We are ever making choices that reflect how we see ourselves within the world, within the balance, and within our place in nature. I’m afraid for those who blindly buy into the indoctrinated way of life. They don’t question. They don’t reflect. They don’t fight back. They seemingly don’t wonder about what it is to be human, they just accept what has been fed to them. There is no other path than the one that has been carved for them. A prime example being those who were “marching for life” forced a choice between millions of children and DACA recipients. And here I thought, ‘all life was sacred.’ I didn’t know the “right to life” assessed a value for each individual life. I didn’t know we each had to step up to the scale of life and weigh ourselves against our brothers and sisters. That we must sort out and choose which life has more of a perceived value. There is no other way than a free and equal existence. There is no other way forward than together. I want them to see, there is another way.